It gives me immense pleasure to welcome all on behalf of all the teachers, officers and students of Civil Engineering Department of Model Institute of Science & Technology. To meet the challenges of globalization in the new millennium Civil Engineering Department had been inaugurated here in this institute in 2005 & we are serving since then successfully. Our whole approach is integrated to global development. Increasing urbanization is leading the increasing demand of construction and Civil Engineers are going to play a vital role in this context. Civil Engineering department has been trying relentlessly to improve the professional excellence and contributing significantly for the fulfillment of the objective of Model Institute of Science & Technology since its estalblishment. I am confident that this department has opportunities for the diploma civil engineering students as well as professionals to exchange their ideas & experience for technological advancement in the field of Civil Engineering. I would like to convey my heartfelt congratulation to our honorable Director prof. Dr. Engr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan for his relentless support & encouragement as well as all the teacher’s, officer’s, employees & students for their effort to raise the standard of this department
Best Wishes to my all students.
Head of the Department(Civil) & Senior Lecturer
B.Sc. Engg.(Agre. BAU)
M.Sc Engg.(CE. DUET)
Contact : +8801839911612