
Model Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)

Messages of Head, Electrical Engineering.

The Department of Electrical engineering (EE) is one of the both oldest and largest departments of MIST. The Electrical Engineering (EE) is aright mix of electrical,power electronics,telecommunication,and computer engineering.It offers four years Diploma in Engineering course. It admits 180 topmost meritorious students each year in Diploma in Engineering course.Because of its wider scope and emarging demand worldwide,admission seekers consistently place the Electrical Engineering department in the top of their choice. The department has highly educated teaching staffs. Most of the teachers have earned undergraduate in EEE fields from reputed univercities. The department has well equiped laboratories in all major areas of Electrical Engineering (EE) for making students practically sound. we regularly review the course curriculam to update with the latest trends in EEE technologies. The vision of the department is to create technology leaders in Electrical Engineering (EE) who will take on the technological needs and challenges of the country in Electrical Engineering (EE) fields. Our mission os to produce world class Electrical Engineering (EE) engineers who will apply their talents in the real world. They will have the skills and attitudes to be responsible and thoughtful contributors to society.

Best Wishes to my all students.

Engr. Rezaul Karim

Head of the department (Electrical )
B.Sc Engg. (EEE.DUET)
Contact No: 01839911613